Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Division of India into States


The division of a country into states/provinces for administrative convenience is known and accepted. But India has the unique (infamous?) distinction of being divided based on language! Potti Sriramulu, a hero in A.P, was the first person to demand and get the state of A.P formed. Subsequently, the whole of India was divided based on language.

Then we had Uttar Pradesh being divided into different states.
Now, some politicians are demanding a separate state for Telengana, a region some hundreds of kilometers.

Such divisions cause so much distrust among people as seen in the recent Cauvery Water dispute between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. People of two states, each of whom have a sizeable population of the other fought over water!

If this trend continues, we will have city states and politicians bickering every boundary, just so they can be in power, even though the state may not have a boundary further than their backyard.



At August 25, 2005 at 10:11 PM, Blogger Bystander ... said...

I agree, We should stop the legacy left behind by the British who divided the country based on religion.

Dividing a country or state based on religion and language will hider the development and disturbance the eco system of social harmony. Especially a country like India which is diverse by nature should nourish the diversity. I have seen the plight of the people in the state border, a child’s mother tongue may be Kannada he may forced to learn Marathi since the village is in Maharastra and visa versa. May be we should have the flexibility in the education so that the child can choose what he feels comfortable.

About dispute between states on river water , I don’t want to talk. ‘How one can fight within a country about it’s own resources?’, at national level we should have clear polices that address the root of these issue.


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